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Cruise and discover the delta's rivers


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en:terms:blog:tet_trung_thu [2023/10/19 11:18] – created - external edit [2025/01/24 14:50] (current) – [The night of mid-autumn] benoit
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 As we were getting to our last few flowers, we were overtaken by other floating candles coming from behind us, and I turned back, and, Whooaaaa! As we were getting to our last few flowers, we were overtaken by other floating candles coming from behind us, and I turned back, and, Whooaaaa!
 The river was all covered in lit flowers, floating and casting their weak light back to the boats behind us. They were gathered upstream and were covered in kids and people and lights. They had been putting flowers on the river as well. Now we were surrounded by floating lights, undulating with the quiet waves of the river! What a scenery! The river was all covered in lit flowers, floating and casting their weak light back to the boats behind us. They were gathered upstream and were covered in kids and people and lights. They had been putting flowers on the river as well. Now we were surrounded by floating lights, undulating with the quiet waves of the river! What a scenery!